Welcome to Pieksämäki Upper Secondary School!

Hello Ev­ery­one near and far!

We are look­ing foor­ward to meet you, our col­lab­o­ra­tive teach­ers and stu­dents, on Sun­day 6th of May!

We will have a mar­wellous week here in Piek­sämäki to work with you and get to know the Piek­sämäki area. We shall study to­gether for ex­am­ple im­por­tant knowl­edge of un­healthy eat­ing habits and their ef­fects on health and well­be­ing. We will get fa­mil­iar with the town Piek­sämäki and some lo­cal well­ness com­pa­nies like Kun­non Keskus. The phys­i­cal ex­er­sice and healthy food are im­por­tant to ev­ery­one – so we shall fous on them.

On this pub­li­ca­tion some of the stu­dents of the Course in Me­dia (be­longs to the Finnish lan­guage, ÄI011-course) will tell what hap­pens through the week with pic­tures and sto­ries. So we con­tinue mostly in Finnish, but please don´t worry, we shall write also in Eng­lish (sorry the mis­takes!).

Wel­come and En­joy the School – this time in Piek­sämäki Up­per Sec­ondary School! (Or Piek­sämäki High School, if you read this Amer­i­can way) Any­way: WEL­COME!


En­joy the School!Eras­mus+ 2017-201918.10.2017